Tuesday 29 November 2016

Matthew's Siamang Gibbons Report


Male Siamangs are slightly bigger than female Siamangs.

Siamang gibbons have been swinging at the top of trees for many years.

The Siamangs have a throat sac that can inflate to the size of their head. It makes their voices louder. Their voices can travel up to 3 kilometres
Siamang Gibbons are found on the island of Sumatra. Siamangs are omnivores... they eat lots of fruit which is 75% of their diet.

They have a big tail and long arms to help them swing around.

Jaw Dropping Facts:
The Siamang Gibbons real name is Hylobates Syndactylus. There hands  are called brachiations. They weigh up to 13kg.

There are more than 1,000 left in the world. In 100 years there is a 20% chance that Siamang Gibbons might be extinct   

I hope there will always be Siamang Gibbons on earth.

By Matthew


Jake's Siamang Gibbon Report

          Siamang Gibbons

Siamang Gibbons lives in Malay Peninsula Sumatra.

Siamang Gibbons had larger numbers before people started cutting down their habitat and the number started decreasing. Siamangs are  mammals and they’re very hairy.

Siamang Gibbons have  large sockets on their throats.  They are the colour grey and can blow up to the size of their heads. Siamang Gibbons can be fierce so watch out!

Siamang Gibbons are omnivores. 75% of their diet is fruit, leaves, flowers, seeds, treebark and tender plant shoots.

Siamang gibbons have the ability to rotate their shoulder sockets and their long strong arms.

“Jaw dropping facts”:
Their Super family is Hominoidea.
Siamang Gibbons mate at 5 to 7 years old

Siamang Gibbons are a threatened species and are worth saving.

Siamang Gibbons  make a very loud noise to let other animals know where their territory is.

By Jake

BaiLin's Siamang Gibbon Report

Siamang Gibbons

Introduction                               by BaiLin

Siamang Gibbons live in Sumatra.

The Simon Gibbon has a large socket on it’s throat.


The Siamang Gibbon is an omnivore. 75% their diet is fruit, leaves, flower, seed, tree bark and tender plant shoots.


Extra long fingers and strong arms to grip and swing through the trees are the Simon Gibbons adaptations.

Jaw dropping facts

The scientific name is Hylobates Syndactylus
The size is 4464 centimetres the weight for 4 to 3 kg age of sexul Matarilty5 to 7 years.


Siamang Gibbons are facing extinction.


I hope Simon Gibbons will never become extinct.

Skylar's Panda Report


By Skylar

The Chinese panda comes from Southwestern China. It belongs to the   bear  family... it is an omnivore.

The panda has very strong paws that can grip well. They are very good climbers but their eyesight is very poor.

Diet and habitat:
Although it's classed as a flesh-eater it’s normal diet is bamboo and very occasionally bamboo rats and small birds. The panda spends two thirds of a day eating.

The panda’s adaptations are it’s molar teeth. It’s teeth are used for crushing bamboo.

Jaw dropping facts:
The panda has the largest molars of any carnivores. The giant panda spends 16 hours eating.

The mating is the only time they can breed. A mother panda can have two cubs at a time but if she does the second one is unlikely to survive.


Only 1600 pandas are left in the world. People are killing them to get their fur. Now it is illegal to kill them

Emma's Elephant Report


By Emma

There are two types of elephant, the Asian elephant and the African elephant. Female elephants are called cows and male elephants are called bulls. A group of elephants is called a herd.

Today, there are an estimated to be 45,000 - 700,000 African elephants and between 35,000 - 40,000 wild Asian elephants.

Elephants dig for water to drink. They can drink 210 litres a day! Elephants can spend hours collecting leaves, twigs, bamboo and roots which they eat. Elephants are herbivores.

The elephant's  trunk can tear off branches. They can suck up water as well to clean themselves. They can use their trunks to break bamboo.

“Jaw dropping” facts:

Elephants are the largest land-living mammal in the world. Elephants can eat at least 150 kg of plant food each day. That is about as much as 1,000 apples or pears. An adult elephant needs to drink around 210 litres of water a day.

Elephants are threatened because people kill elephants to get their tusks.

Today, elephants are kept in zoos to protected them and to breed.