Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Vector Presentation with Esther

Today Esther taught us about electricity and the nine safety rules for power...can you remember them? She also taught us about the people who are trained to work for Vector. Here are four children dressed up in power safety clothing.


  1. Yes, Esther came from Vector the power company. She came to talk about electricity. Esther did tell lots of things about how to stay safe around electricity and I did enjoy the viedo. It was very funny when Esther put a safety jacket on Emily and a hard hat on Arad. I know the others as well. They were Macy and Adam. There was nine saftey rules to remember in the viedo were(I only know two) fly a kite in a space that has no powerlines and before you get the bread out of the toaster, you take the plug out first. I really liked the way she acted when she was pretending to be in a power cut. I enjoyed that day!

  2. Wow! Vector was fun especially when Adam, Arad and Emily wore special gear like the helmet, gloves and the coat. was it fun going to go up to the stage? and was it scary?

  3. Wow! What a day! It was a very fun day because we had a visit from Esther who came from the Vector Company! We watched a video about 9 safety rules about power. She also talked to us about linesman and what they wear to keep them safe. It was funny when Emily wore the safety jacket and Arad put the helmet on.Did you know that 70% of your body is water? What way your favourite part of the presentation?

  4. Wow wasn't that a fabulous show. I thought it was. Ester from Vector came to Sunny hills for a fun talk about electricity and how to be safe with electricity. She was really funny when she did the acting about when there was a power out. I also enjoyed it when Emily and three other people went up and put on safety gear. I wish she would come again.

  5. Wow wasn't vector fun, I learned lots. There were nine safety rules don't fly a kite when there are powerlines near by don't touch or use a charging cables when it is broken take the plug out of the toaster before you use it don't put water in an electrical fire there's five more to go
